It’s Finally Here: VISION SEASON!

It’s that essential time when leaders, teams, and organizations gather to get clear on their vision for what’s next.

Why do we need Vision?

A clear vision illuminates our path forward, aligning intentions with action. It’s more than a plan—it’s a roadmap that makes big dreams achievable and inspires collective momentum. For leaders, crafting and sharing this vision is one of the most impactful roles they play.

A leader’s vision becomes the inspiring direction for everyone to move toward together. When a leader articulates a compelling vision, it doesn’t just give clarity; it energizes and unites the team, creating a shared purpose that each member can rally behind. This vision becomes a touchstone for decision-making, collaboration, and resilience, especially during challenging times.

A well-shared vision invites everyone to see their role in the bigger picture, igniting individual contributions and amplifying the team’s collective impact. It turns abstract goals into an inspiring direction, giving every team member a reason to be fully engaged and committed to the journey.

In essence, a leader’s vision is a call to action—it connects dreams with strategy, empowers the team with purpose, and sets the stage for achieving extraordinary results together.

When is the Right Time to Set Your Vision?

Truthfully, it can happen anytime, anywhere! But aligning your vision with a new season, quarter, year, or major milestone gives you space to:

  • Reflect without the rush—allowing you to dig deep into what’s possible.

  • Design actionable steps to bring those ideas to life.

  • Implement the right people, processes, and tools.

  • Hit the ground running—with timing and intention on your side.

How Can You Set Your Vision?

  • Leaders: Anytime, Anywhere: Here’s two ways to set your vision:

    • Access my free Vision Guide for a self-guided vision experience

    • Join one of my virtual visioning events online this November and December

  • London Leaders: Join me for a Vision Collage Night! Before the end of the year, I’ll be hosting a few relaxed, wine-and-collage nights where we’ll create personal vision boards for the year ahead. Sign up here, and I’ll keep you updated as soon as the details are live.

  • Teams: Book a Vision Workshop or Retreat! My favorite work as a Growth Strategist and facilitator is leading team visioning experiences that set a unified vision and a clear plan for growth. As of now, I have room for only TWO more team sessions in 2024—let’s make your vision a reality!

Let’s kick off Vision Season together! ✨


When’s the best time to partner with a Growth Strategist on your change journey?